ReelData’s first product, ReelAppetite, focusses on feeding efficiency, using AI to track feeding behaviour and optimize feed intake and waste. Results in commercial environments have shown up to 80% reduction in wasted feed and more than a 20% increase in feed intake, resulting in improved growth rates and weight gain. By offering feed more consistently and aligned to appetite, ReelData’s technology helps reach and maintain optimum satiation levels and reduce size variation within the population. The improved control offered when feeding using ReelAppetite also reduces the associated stress on filtration systems in aquaculture facilities and helps prevent water quality issues.
ReelData also offers the ReelBiomass suite. Tools specifically designed to work within the complexity of land-based aquaculture systems. The fist pillar of ReelBiomass comes in the form of ReelWeight, a stereoscopic camera that utilises AI to track individual fish. Using ReelData’s patented technology, ReelWeight collects average fish weight and weight distribution data, and through our smart technology system, it ensures that no fish data is used twice to build biometric information ensuring accurate and reflective weights are generated at each and every use.
No biomass data-set would be complete without an accurate count, and ReelData have developed AI-tracking capability to count fish during stock movements. ReelCount is an adaptable, portable, and easy-to-use solution, that, in combination with ReelWeight, allows for an accurate stock assessment and the calculation of biomass on site. The ReelBiomass suite complements existing technology and puts ReelData firmly on the path of offering a dynamic suite of AI-powered tools to support the aquaculture industry to help farmers, maximize growth, minimize cost and reduce risk.
ReelData – Artificial Intelligence for land-based aquaculture. Helping you improve economics and productivity.